A little bit

About Us

Our mission is to empower men and women, boys and girls, to the highest quality of self-esteem.

About Us

Hi, my name is Saige Hatch.

I am 15 years old. I like to play piano, sing, read, watch movies, babysit, and spend time with my family. I started the Modesty Club at my high school in South Pasadena in California in 2012. I noticed from elementary school to middle school, and now in high school a lot of girls were dressing immodestly. I wanted to bring awareness and remembrance to the value of modesty.

The Modesty Club has been started to invite girls and boys all over the world, starting in our hometown of South Pasadena, to respect their bodies. This club is set up under the notion that we are not perfect; we are trying to be better today than we were yesterday. We support the honor, dignity, and beauty every person is entitled to.

We have members in all 50 States and
14 countries and counting!
Argentina, Australia, Canada, England, France, Poland, Mexico, Netherlands, Samoa, Singapore, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Philippines
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This club is set up under the notion that we are not perfect; we are trying to be better today than we were yesterday. We support the honor, dignity, and beauty every person is entitled to.
We hope to bring understanding to the purpose and wisdom behind the dress code. We hope to bring remembrance to the word sacred and the power that word carries. We hope to bring more options for clothing that reflects the highest quality of self esteem. We hope to help people find creative solutions to the shopping difficulty we face of finding modest clothing. And finally, we hope to bring courage to those who want to join us in our cause and take the modesty challenge.
Take the Challenge